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This is just a quick heads up–the Branch Covidians are back at it. I am not going to go into detail here–there has been plenty already written over the last couple years. If you are new here, please go back and read some of the many posts covering the details of Covid, why it became a necessary tool for the self-titled (and entitled) psychopathic “elite” and why Covid is likely here to stay. In short this means more unnecessary, ineffectual and utterly ridiculous mitigation techniques imposed upon us, not to mention a hyperbolic, sensationalizing and narcissistic media to ride sidecar. The longer ride contains more business closures, despair and demoralization. All for a disease with less than a 0.1% IFR (in all fairness, the new variant “might be”, “could be”, “possibly is”, “maybe” or “is likely to be” the deadliest yet, so don’t forget to be very afraid!) Yup, the fun times are coming back…

Why now? Interest rates are back up near 3% (in a normal world this would be par for the course, but at this level we won’t be able to pay our debts). The desired (and manufactured) response to the Ukraine/Russia conflict is subsiding. President Brandon’s son (Hunter) is about to be indicted. Inflation is off the charts. The Federal Reserve is out of ammo–or “tools” for the JPow fans out there–and the stonk market is tanking. And then there is the reality (or “problem” for our giant ass hat, Big Pharma controlled government) that no one gives a flying F about Covid anymore. Why would we? All of this works to undermine the constant fear narrative that they are using to control our population and more importantly usher in the “Great Reset”.

However, the real kicker is the upcoming 2022 midterms. First of all, let me give you a rather large disclaimer here: THERE IS NOTHING IN LIFE THAT I LOATHE MORE THAN POLITICS AND POLITICIANS. (MAYBE LAWYERS–AND YES I AM STILL YELLING!!) As such, I have great apathy for any discussion that involves this area of our lives. And yet, this is why Covid is coming back. Think about it.

The D’s are in control for the moment. These are the people who are roving around stark naked in their imbecility, fantasizing about the 87 different genders they’ve created, having wet dreams about Marxism and spending our hard earned money into oblivion. These are the people who tell you to follow the “science” and then change and/or obfuscate the definitions when it doesn’t fit their narrative. These are the people who constantly cry out against “authoritarianism” and at the same time have no issue with their own mandates, lockdowns, masks, business closures, vaccines and of course your undying love for every available consonant that can be added to the BBQ squad (LGBTQ +WRYPSDFHJKZXCVNM). These are the same pedophiles who groom your children for transgender sex games in grade school and then call you a racist and/or intolerant when you rebuke their lasciviousness. Yeah, these wonderful people.

On the other side we have the R’s. Pardon my French, but what a bunch of pussies these people are! They are busy enriching their buddies in the MIC via endless wars. They are figuring out how to pay less taxes the more money they make. They say they are for a bunch of things that their base wants–reduced illegal immigration, better fiscal policy, more individual liberty, etc., but they do absolutely nothing to promote any of this. They are giant frauds, even more so than team “D”. And they are just as immoral; just as seedy and creepy; just as self-agrandizing; perhaps even more so! This is the team that always talks a big game but never seems to back it up. The example that comes to mind is the ability for transgender “males” to compete in women’s sports. I don’t think there is any state population that has a majority who agrees with this idea, yet many of the team “R” governors are quietly dismissing and vetoing bills designed to stop this insane and laughable “woke” ideology.

If you are awake (and I say this trepidatiously) you already know that the two party system is a facade. What we really have is one “Uni-Party” that controls both sides of the debate. If you have yet to discover the Hegelian Dialectic, please read up on this familiar tactic. This Uni-Party is a collection of the most powerful D’s and R’s in our government that are basically bought and paid for by foreign interests. At the present time, these foreign interests are desperately trying to wreak havoc on our world to further their global interests. Covid is just the Trojan horse. As such, nothing that is beneficial for “the people” ever gets done and they continue to spend our money with the goal of destroying our freedoms, our sovereignty and our livelihoods. All so that they can exert more control.

Sorry, I digress. The voting public is largely on to their shenanigans. They will be out in force this year with the aim of removing all of the unwanted, useless D & R candidates and replacing them with their own peeps, who more closely align with the interests of the true American public–the one that is quite different from the “image” of the public promoted through social media. In short, a free and fair election would easily crush this ilk, paving the way for better, stronger more in-tune leadership. But not so fast Lonestar! Did you think they would give up so easily?

If you read up on “They’ve Gone Plaid”, you know that they are so far indebted to the Covid scheme, so upside down in the clown world of normal people, so unceremoniously naked with their disgustingly small and hairy privates blowing in the wind that they have no choice but to continue onward. Why not, right? The media has their back. Social media and big tech can easily censor “out of tune” thoughts and discussions. Corporate entities will jump on board the cancel train on a moment’s notice. And of course the rabble rousers (Pantifa, Black Labs Matter, BBQ Squad, Troons, Groomers and Branch Covidians) are all at their beckon call (and employment), waiting to unleash dissent upon the rest of us normal folks. These last groups of people are some of my favorites because they have become so entitled to their clown world (which contains the collective ideology of like 0.000005% of the population) that they are beyond reproach. They see no hypocrisy in their intolerance of your ideology, as they require you to be completely tolerant of theirs. These are really fun people.

So it continues. In my estimation, new Covid subvariant XE-003.410 Rev. 6.66 (better known as Rho, Sigma or Tau) will be stalking all of us here in the states, just in time for the 2022 midterm elections. The preemptive preconditioning has begun already. China is starting to spew hardcore propaganda once again. Gee, I wonder how long it will take to hear about pets being thrown off of high rise buildings? Fauci, the interminable f#@k face is starting to make the rounds again, letting all of us know that mask mandates, lockdowns and boosters will be coming to a theater near you! Pfizer, Moderna and J&J are all gearing up production for an annual Covid booster. It’s only a matter of time at this point. And something else to consider…there could be a completely “novel” outbreak of the unexpected variety, e.g. some other “pox” on humanity.

I tell you this now so you can prepare. If you are in the market, it’s time to prepare your strategy for a temporary shift to deflation. If you value your voting rights, you ought to get involved in the local machinations of the next election. If you want to make sure you have food on the table you should stock up now. Just because Covid is coming back doesn’t mean costs are going down in any remarkable way–inflation is here to stay (let’s just hope we don’t hyperinflate in the interim). More importantly, it’s time to start grouping up with like minded people in your neighborhoods and have a conversation or four about the future.

We are not done with Covid. We are not done with the Great Reset. We are not done with the incessant whining and condescending of the 0.001% constantly telling us how we should live our lives. We are not done with the debauchery. You cannot look away, you cannot make it go away. These people seek total destruction; order out of chaos. They have to break everything first before they can usher in the reset part. I’m starting to sound like a broken record but please, for the love of Pete, start to pay some fucking attention to your surroundings. This is all happening in the background, whether you envision it, desire it, will it or not. Only you have the power to stop it. The buck stops with you!

P.S. To our beloved readers and fans, we sincerely hope to get back to writing about music soon. However, at this time we’ve got bigger fish to fry. Until the global menace subsides significantly, the music industry and the ability to perform music freely will continue to be at risk. Just remember how much these idiots cared about our music the last time they locked us down, closed our venues and tried to mandate vaccines to simply attend a live performance. As musicians, we don’t have the leisure of wading through another year of lockdowns. If we don’t get into fighting stance soon, we might even lose the ability to listen to the music we want to! Don’t let this happen. Get involved now.

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