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Covid 2021: They’ve Gone Plaid! (Pt. 1)

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There’s a great scene in the movie Spaceballs where Dark Helmet and crew are attempting to follow Lonestar & Barf into hyperspace, only they overshoot their mark. Comically, they first pass warp speed, then ridiculous speed, then go to ludicrous speed and finally settle on plaid (where hyperspace turns into Burberry!) I couldn’t think of a better analogy for Covid over the past 18 months. For those of you who have been playing along at home, clowns like Dr. Fauci (et al) have been ramping up the fear meter way past eleven and now we have hit “plaid” levels of Covid. May I present to you the brand new, uber-scary and highly anticipated “Moronic” variant. Oh, my mistake, I must have misspelled “Omicron”.

Yep. Another new variant. Again. Except this time, South Africa called and wants their variant back. You see, they’ve known about Omicron since June 2021. They know it’s a nothing burger, basically just symptoms of a mild cold. So why all the fuss now? I’m going to try and unpack that for the reader…

Before we get started though, there’s one thing that must be accepted before the reader continues: IT’S NOT MARCH 2020 ANYMORE!! If you are still afraid of Covid, you either haven’t been paying attention or you are hopelessly mind controlled by your television. There is no other option. The knowns now greatly outnumber the unknowns. What do we know? Here’s a short list:

–Covid is not very deadly at all. (IR survivability is over 99.8% per CDC)

–As a virus mutates, it may become more transmissible, but it also becomes less lethal. (Virology 101)

–The “experts” (doctors, institutions, governments, world organizations, etc.) have all been WRONG since day one.

–The mitigation techniques (lockdowns, masks, social distancing) are ineffective and/or of negligible benefit.

–The vaccines don’t work very well, if at all and are of questionable safety.

–The level of coercion, manipulation and deception by the government, media and corporate sectors is off the charts.

–Covid seems to only affect those that are consumed by their televisions.

So what is really going on? That’s somewhat of a loaded question. There’s A LOT going on behind the scenes. However, a big part of this entire charade has to do with the financial system. Here’s the quick and dirty: Our financial system is on its last legs. Our various world leaders have completely obliterated the economy via endless money printing, theft and bad policy and there is no end in sight. At this stage, we are past the point of no return because we can’t NOT print money. WTF you say? Yeah, that’s the deal. We have printed so much money that the world economy is addicted to it; it’s like a heroin junkie looking for their next score. Business no longer functions on what used to be normal economic parameters–it now require historically low interest rates and large monthly injections of capital into our markets (via central banks) to survive at all. We have to keep printing money to keep the economy going, or it will implode. How does that work?

Let’s use the U.S. system as an example. When money is printed and put into our national economy, it is generally done via debt. The Treasury prints money; the Fed takes it and then loans it back to the system. Some of that money is given to banks at super low rates. The banks then use their “fractional reserve” magic to increase that same money supply by a factor of ten and then loan it back out to our economy (to make even more money!) Other money is used by the Fed to regularly buy treasury bonds. This not only creates the appearance of stability with regard to interest rates and financial solvency, but it also affords gigantic loans to our government (stimulus programs). Still other money goes into buying distressed assets (on the cheap) to create a floor in the market (read: stability) and it even goes directly into the stock market/equities as well! The Fed essentially stabilizes markets by creating a never lose scenario where markets only go up! They tell us they are doing it for other reasons like unemployment, but that is pure bullshit–our unemployment rate is and has been at historically low levels for some time now.

As the size of the debt increases, so does the size of the interest payments. With low interest rates, one can theorize the benefit of “printing” because the debt payments are insignificant with respect to the rate that the economy is growing or may grow from the investment. However, as interest rates rise the size of the debt payment also increases and can quickly reach a level where we can’t pay back the debt–we will have to default. For our current economy, this seems to be right above the 3% mark (for the 10-year treasury), although that is just a marker of sorts. The Fed is able to control interest rates to some degree–they just monetize the debt by buying more debt, which keeps rates low (i.e. buying bonds lowers the accompanying interest rate). Unfortunately though, this is a limited hangout as every “fix” involves the printing of more money. We are in the death spiral now–if we stop printing money, the economy will crash; if we keep printing money, the economy will crash.

The inevitable problem with endlessly printing money comes via inflation. This is essentially a condition where there are too many dollars chasing too few goods, hence the price of goods rises. This can easily destroy the currency and it has over time. This is ultimately bad for the consumer/country and it is exceptionally bad for those who don’t have a pile of cash sitting around–and it’s even bad for them! Everybody loses with high inflation. Thus far in our history, the Fed has been able to control interest rates/inflation via various market tricks and other gimmicks (if you discount the 1980’s) but we are running out of room. As seen clearly over the past year or two, inflation is off the charts. (It is in the process of going plaid). What is becoming more obvious is that the Fed is losing control of its ability to keep price stability. We are in for massive hyper-inflation and an economic crash of epic proportions–it is inevitable. Unless of course, something is done to completely deflate the economy (which unfortunately also crashes the economy).

The “elite” class, who are largely behind the economic destruction (and have actually benefited from it) know this and are trying to pivot away from the blame. One might even say that the destruction is deliberate–this is what “Build Back Better” is all about. They know it’s going to crash and leave all the cards up in the air (shit, they are planning on it) so why not profit from it? In essence, their idea is to completely destroy the known economy and rebuild in its place a command control economy whereby “you will own nothing and be happy”. They will have already bought up the new industries, new energies, new technologies on the cheap while you were watching the old economy go up in flames. This will be a new economy without any sovereignty, freedom or choice. You will do what they say or you will not have access to your digital money. Easy as pie and right up the alley of world rulers who think that the rest of us are simply cattle, wasting THEIR resources and lands.

As the Fed is unable to corral interest rates through their tried and true historical trickery, it becomes an impossible task to stop the madness of inflation or the impending destruction of the our economy. Instead, they will keep feeding you lines like “inflation is transitory” and “supply chain disruptions” ad nauseam to keep you from realizing the true reality. If you are a mega billionaire wannabee world ruler and/or other responsible party to this fraud, what do you do? Enter Covid.

Covid is a circus. It is a distraction at best, a deliberate tool for destruction at worst. It is not about your health; it is about taking your eye off the ball while they quickly retool the underlying structure of our reality. It is many things that are negative to our economy, money, privacy, technology, sovereignty, freedoms and mental health, to name a few. More to the point, Covid is also hugely deflationary via the lockdowns, accompanying business closures (surprise, surprise) and general FUD. This is one of the “tools” in the JPow’s (head Fed tool) toolbox–he just doesn’t really mention it by name. Of course, their traditional means of deflating the economy are losing potency, so just add a new variant to the mix and poof–instant deflation! Depending on the level of autistic kvetching that the media accomplishes it can be a minor event or a full blown Covid5000 (YOU’RE ALL GOING TO DIE) event. People sell their stonks, cut back their spending and stop doing the normal things they did before, i.e. shopping, eating & enjoying life. Then you see the price of oil fall. The price of goods fall. Interest rates retreat–because it looks like we are going into a recession. You see how that works? If you game this properly (and they do) you can create a much larger perceived effect with just a little inertia in the markets. You know what else also falls? Wages, net worth and the financial solvency of the general public.

Covid is the ultimate “out of the box” deflationary tool that is in use today. And guess what? It’s here to stay. Generally, knowing that inflation is on the horizon makes investing easy, as everyone is fleeing from the worthless dollar into other assets, i.e. oil, stonks, real estate. However, the Covid tool can easily upset this flow by creating an on/off effect, on-demand. Interest rates too high? Oil price too high? Time for another variant! Interest rates lower now? Oil price calmed down? Are Goldman and Blackrock ready to buy assets again? The variant disappears. It’s like magic, only it’s really “Magick”. It’s all an illusion, it’s all bullshit and it’s all designed to keep you from looking behind the curtain to see that a very small fraction of the earth’s population is angling for complete control of your life!

And it’s more than that, because of the level of control that it implements. Gosh, it’s sure a pesky thing when various countries’ constituents decide they have had enough and protest. Can’t have that, so enter Covid. Various secular parts of the globe/economy are doing well, in spite of Covid, because they are going on about living their lives versus living in fear. Can’t have that, enter Covid. Certain countries are calling bullshit on the severity and hyperventilating over Covid measures. Can’t have that! Enter Covid. Basically, any narrative that defuses or defies the going Covid narrative is unacceptable, so enter Covid!

Right on cue, we have the Moronic variant (Omicron). It’s super scary, even though we really know nothing about it. It’s probably, likely, could be, might be, maybe, possibly the scariest one though, we’re pretty sure! We don’t have any tests (available to the public) that actually segregate different strains, but we’re already finding it everywhere! My gosh, how did we lose control of Covid? It must be the fault of the unvaccinated! Yeah, yeah, forget about the “vaccine resistant” part of Omicron; those damn 1/3 (likely 60% or more) of the population that won’t get vaxxed are killing everyone! Uh-huh. And on and on it goes: New strain–>New lockdowns/restrictions–>Economic deflation–>Covid threat eases–>Loosen restrictions–>Economy opens up–>Inflation–>New strain. Lather, rinse, repeat. There is at least half of the Greek alphabet to go and that assumes we don’t start using the Hebrew alphabet next.

Here’s the real key: the psychopathic homo-erotic pedophile elite class are becoming more and more afraid that people won’t buy their bullshit anymore. They are fearful that we’re going to turn on them and they should be! This is why Covid is not going to go anywhere until we stop it. They are all in, they have bet the farm on this and it’s either hell or high-water. On the other hand, as we know what is coming, we have nothing to lose! Bottom line–don’t continue to be fooled by this charade. One does not gain freedom by compliance. If we continue to ignore the signs, we are going to comply our way into tyranny. History says it takes a long, long time to get freedom back once it’s lost.

One last thing. We are only talking about money here. While it is the lifeblood of the economy and these people worship it to the end, there is a much more sinister development underneath everything with regard to the vaccines and “vaccine passports”. One could say that while Covid is a distraction from the economy, the economy is also a distraction from Covid! There is something that just isn’t quite right about these vaccines, the mandates or the colossal lack of ethics from the medical community (Nuremberg trials anyone?) This is especially visible with regard to the extreme (and nonsensical) plan to vaccinate the entire globe before this new experimental “gene therapy” has even gotten out of its current clinical trials (2023–>). One could say that this particular portion of the charade is more diabolical. We’ll elaborate more on that issue in Part Two.

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