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Covid 2021: They’ve Gone Plaid! (Pt. 2)

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Welcome to the clown show. The “Moronic” variant was discovered in South Africa circa June 2021–they had no overwhelming issues, hospitalizations or other scary things to report so it went unreported for about six months until our government, media, big pharma and financial tools decided it was time to scaremonger with another variant. But it gets better. President Brandon comes on the TV and tells us it’s going to be a winter of death and destruction. Ten days later the CDC is reducing the quarantine time period by half because the variant is pretty mild (turns out they need people to work!) Sure, cases are up, but fatalities are flat lined–as they have been since 2020. And yet, Brandon is mulling over a domestic travel restriction for the unvaccinated, even though it is now well known that the vaccinated can both be infected and transmit Covid. My personal favorites: 1) the CDC is just telling us NOW that the ever-unreliable PCR test can actually continue to test positive for up to 12 weeks after someone has recovered; 2) Fauci, Walenski et al, are trying to convince us that they never told us the “vaccine” would give us 100% immunity from infection and transmission, and 3) We now have “Flurona”, a combination of Covid and the flu. Confused yet?

If you’ve figured out that this has nothing to do with the public’s “health”, you’re way ahead of the game. But what is the game? What is the goal? We’ve already outlined a major objective–the ability to create deflation at a moments notice, essentially controlling the markets. This is necessary because there is no other way to control the inevitable inflation that is coming our way via the endless money printing. It’s not going to work either, ultimately because each deflationary event is followed by increased inflation as the money printing never goes away; the problem is never addressed and never fixed. Our world financial system will self destruct eventually under the weight of all the excess money supply. For more about this, read part one.

However, if you are awake you are noticing that it seems more sinister than that. And it is. What is being planned is a much more totalitarian (and dystopian) future than people can imagine. The truth is that things are not going back to normal any time soon. The idea of the “Great Reset” is moving forward, hell or high water. These people are psychopaths and they are all in at this point. Because these parasites look at themselves as literal “gods”, they want to reshape our entire system away from God given attributes, such as natural law, natural economy and merit based progression to one of top down management from extremely subjective, elitist, and frankly sociopathic minds. Hell, these people are the 0.0001%; their “thinking” is no where close to what you and I think about. But they know better, right?

So what are these ideas? Let’s parse a few out. First of all, whereas a “credit system” used to denote one’s ability to pay or repay obligations, in the future it will be a completely different “social credit system” wherein you will be allocated credits (or have credits taken away) based on your behavior. This really has nothing to do with being a good person; rather this is based on your ability to follow the governing doctrine at the time. For example, while you may acknowledge some of the racial inequities that pervade our society, you may not like the underlying and obvious Marxism that permeates the BLM movement. Well, if you want your “social credits”, you better go along with the flow. You better like the BLM movement or else! Never mind that this group’s aim is to completely destroy the social, legal and ethical fabric of our country. Tired of transgender athletes ruining women’s sports? Perhaps you are a woman that has been ousted from your position by a man masquerading–sorry, “identifying”–as a woman, who is physically much stronger than you, mainly due to GENETIC differences (yes, genes that are either XX or XY–not including the infinitely small genetic errors of XXX, XYY, etc.) Well, that’s just too bad for you; you need to be inclusive if you want your credits.

Of course, credits denote money, which will cease to be anything but digital in the new world. As such, your access to it can be completely shut down, even if you were to have available credits. The central banks are aiming to completely bypass all banking institutions as the primary money source, so that they may better allocate financial incentivization in a more socially just way. This means that at some point, your ability to pay cash will be outlawed. With money becoming entirely digital, the idea of what is fiat money becomes ridiculous–you could say it will go plaid. Any time more money is needed it is just one digital entry away! This takes the historical idea of what a “free market” is and completely turns it on it’s head. In essence, markets will no longer be free. They will be controlled in a centralized, command economy, much like China’s current system (which sucks btw).

You probably thought you had a right to travel. Well, buckle up. Energy will only be available to those who have the proper credentials, as it will be cordoned off by controlling distribution. This is one of the real keys to understanding the facade of “green energy”. Once everything is on a grid, you will need to access to the grid to get it. If you have no way to participate in the grid, or someone simply doesn’t want you to travel, good luck getting the necessary energy. Additionally, as all cars are moving towards electric, you are not able to go any further than the next charger. What do you do if there are no chargers for hundreds of miles between cities? You are stuck where you are–and that’s how they want it. In fact, you will need to gain permission to travel outside of what will be a preordained travel bubble in your city. You will have to pay extra to visit places you once visited freely, like going to the mountains and you will not have the freedom to stay as long as you like–your allowance will have a time constraint. Does this sound like fun yet?

Every errand, every trip, every store visit, etc. will be gated via a “health passport” system. Your health status will be your green light to having any kind of life in the future–but you’d better be current on all your vaccinations and medications! Your geolocation will be tracked every minute of the day and you will “check-in” and out of various locations, alerting the watchers to where you are instantaneously. Of course, if you’ve been a bad monkey you might not get the “status verified” green light to get into the grocery store or the gym. You may be locked out! You will have zero privacy in your right to travel and it will be completely beholden to whether or not you’ve had your eleventh booster.

You can entertain this type of thinking for every creature comfort, every pleasure, every slice of life you participate in, and some of these things you don’t even have to leave the house for. Your water use will be metered–not just charged per a metered rate, but cut off if you exceed a limit. This will reduce how often you wash dishes, clothes and even yourself. Your home electricity will be treated the same. I’m sure you like your thermostat at a certain temperature, right? Well, in our future dystopian world you will not be able to reduce or increase your thermostat past a certain, agreed upon temperature of what is considered “appropriate” for the season. They’ll explain that this is because we have to share our energy with everyone on the planet, but aren’t we paying for the amount we use? Do you think that the parasite elite will have to take the same measures for their 1000x bigger carbon footprint?

I’m sure you like to breath air. In fact, you have to if you enjoy living. Enter the carbon tax. While a carbon tax is postured as a way to get the greedy corporate polluters to pay their fare share, it is really just another Trojan into your way of living. Getting rid of CO2 ultimately means getting rid of YOU, the oxygen breathing human. It means less plants and animals too. What a bargain! Forget about the fact that CO2 is about .04% of our atmosphere–you knew that right? (Interesting that they don’t complain about the amount of nitrogen, or other chemicals in our air. We really need to focus on one of the least harmful!) Forget about the fact that in most of earth’s history, the amount of CO2 ppm and overall temperature has been substantially higher than it is today. Forget about having to PROVE that any “global warming” is man-made; you will now be taxed simply because you breath air. Science is real!

All of this is a giant steaming pile of bullshit, which should illuminate the reader as to exactly how incredibly immoral, unethical and insanely psychopathic our elite parasite handlers really are. It gets even better though. Because these idiots are generally not “god fearing” they don’t really see the value in human beings as a part of creation or the value in being good vs. evil. Let’s just say their particular god loves destruction–although not chaos! We have to have order. In fact, they believe they can create order out of chaos. Translation: we need to break shit that works perfectly fine (as it was designed to) so that we can bring in a new system of order that we control. When’s the last time you looked at a dollar bill? Do you understand what Novus Ordo Seclorum means now? What incredible schmucks they are not to see the lunacy of their own works. However, we’re not done here.

The coup d’etat is the ability to genetically edit God’s creation. Btw–it’s perfectly OK for one to not favor any particular religion as a way to “God”. They are all pretty screwed up on the surface and even below the surface. However, there are many gems to glean from religious texts if you understand the esoteric content. The main distinction that I am referring to here is one of “creation”, where the design is either “intelligent” OR a completely random world where there is no purpose; it would be essentially self-organizing at best with no initial driver or reason. This is quite the conundrum from a metaphysical and/or philosophical point of view. If it’s random, then there is no plan and one has freewill; if it is designed, then there is a plan and freewill is an illusion. If one is awake, the answer is easy to find and actually reveals a great secret to those who believe in the design aspect, but I digress.

The point is that these gigantic mental ass hats want to play with your genes and ultimately gene-edit humans out of business. You could say it’s more than just a certain fascination–it’s actually quite demonic. It’s not out of pure curiosity either–these people (for whatever reason) have an axe to grind with humanity. The truth is that they hate YOU; they hate US; they hate humanity. (They likely hate themselves). They see humanity as cattle, useful idiots and useless eaters. One might consider this analogous to how we hate mosquitoes, except humans are kind of a big deal, if one has any shred of humanity in them. There is much too learn about ourselves and in fact it is the key to understanding the universe. But these self entitled overlords don’t see it that way. They desire to gene-edit you, control you and basically fuck with you, not just to transform you, but to torture, poke and prod you along that way. THEY REALLY, REALLY HATE YOU. If you don’t learn anything else today, learn this. It makes a huge difference in how one views the world and provides the final keystone in being able to correlate the casual factors of our geopolitical arena.

But how best does one gene edit? They’ve been experimenting with foods for years, plants mostly. GMO ring a bell? They have also modified insects (mosquitoes!), animals (chickens) and diseases (Covid). These are just a few of the many modifications that exist in our world today as “novel”. There are also the newer fields of epigenetics and optigenetics, which basically program humans to learn genetic modifications over time and offspring. However, with humans the best/only way to really successfully gene-edit effectively is through the bloodstream directly. This is generally done via injection. Enter vaccines.

Quick history lesson: Every deadly disease that big pharma talks about “eradicating” (historically), i.e. polio, smallpox, etc., was on the decline long before vaccines. This was mainly due to the realization that hygiene went a long way in preventing the infection and transmission of diseases. I would also note that hygiene prevented many bacteriological infections, whereas vaccines are not able to do that. The Black Plague was a bacteria. If we ever get another one, vaccines are not going to help. Basically, even though vaccines had little to do with the disappearance of various viruses, big pharma, the medical community and our government never miss a chance to mention this in the history of vaccines. I am Jack’s total lack of surprise.

What is more troubling in today’s world is that big pharma is manufacturing and coercing the public to take vaccines for everything. Fifty to sixty years ago, the going philosophy (which is still true today) is that anything that didn’t or couldn’t kill you would make your immune system stronger. As such, there were often quarantine “parties” for children who got the measles, mumps, chicken pox, etc. These diseases were rarely lethal and the medical community thought it best for a person’s health to actually contract the disease to better one’s immune system. Fast forward to today and the schedule of 3-5 vaccines for children in the 1960’s has become closer to 80 for a child of today. Big pharma is vaccinating for everything–regardless of the lethality, potential to contract the disease or potential adverse reactions to the vaccine itself!

For example, HPV and HEP B/C are rarely transmitted any other way than IV drug use or sex. Yet, this vaccine is given to children as young as nine years old, who are far from the age of consensual (and legal) sex and are likely not using drugs. One should argue that they have a choice, when they become sexually active (or use drugs) to use contraception and/or have their partner tested versus taking a vaccine, but this logical step is taken completely out of the loop. Measles, mumps and chicken pox continue to be relatively benign with respect to risk of fatality, yet they dole these out to the masses annually. Today an annual flu shot is recommended, even though is it only 30% effective and many actually get sick with the flu right after their shot. Where are we trying to go here?

The problem is that your immune system, like many other parts of your body, only grows to work “well” when it is activated and tested via real diseases. Keeping your immune system from getting and passing many of these non-fatal diseases can actually inhibit your health long term. Your immune system does not learn to work effectively; rather it becomes trained to generate immune responses to vaccines (which are filled with garage adjuvants) that ultimately weaken the entire immune system instead of making it stronger. Additionally, the potential of auto-immune issues increases greatly due to the way the vaccine works and per how many vaccines one has taken over their life. You may have noticed that there is some pill or injection that is sold several times per hour on your television that specifically targets auto-immune diseases. Where did all of these auto-immune diseases come from? Yes, you can get auto-immune diseases from other vectors, but vaccines are a big driver of these. You can’t help but notice the significant increase in auto-immune diseases over the past 20-30 years.

Big pharma doesn’t care because they can sell you a pill or injection for that too. In fact, looking at their history, safety seems to be far down the list from profit. These despicable people have lobbied intensely for years to make their products mandatory and at the same time remove any liability from their effects. And they are targeting children! There is much to be said about the Child Safety Act of 1986, wherein most vaccines and manufacturers were given total immunity for any adverse health effects. Sure, there is a compulsory board that will dole out monetary compensation for vaccine injury, but it is limited and it is to a very small percentage of those who actually have adverse effects. They generally decline claims rather than approve them.

The bigger problem that this generates is that big pharma has no incentive to be overwhelmingly “safe” if they are never held accountable for their products. They have no incentive toward long term testing, whether that includes specific allergic responses on their own, or in combination with other products. It puts the impetus on profit, on shareholders and investors, who have no skin in the game with respect to the adverse events that occur to the public on a daily basis. For a medical community that is supposedly based on the hippocratic oath, this is a highly unethical way of doing business–remember that children are mandated to get these vaccines to attend school whether they need them or not!

If one is awake, they might see this lack of ethicality in full force today with the Covid vaccines. In our particular scenario today, we have an experimental product that has no long term testing whatsoever associated with it being manufactured by companies that have full immunity for any liability that their products cause. Covid is a disease with a 99.9% survival rate for everyone under about 75 years of age and yet the government is mandating this product even though it doesn’t prevent infection or transmission. Forget about the fact that they told you specifically that it would 100% prevent infection and transmission; they are now saying they never said this even though they are on video! Wouldn’t it be great to know that you needed one, two or three boosters BEFORE you got the first two shots? Wouldn’t the public want to know that the idea that two shots would make someone fully immune was just a Fauci fantasy? Today, people with 3 shots are coming down with Covid and transmitting it, yet the CDC and big pharma are not even batting an eye!

Again, you are cattle to these people–get it through your small brains. They see no wrong in their deceit; you need to do what they say because they know better. But do they really, or is this just an affront to conning you into taking their products? We can talk about the ineffectiveness of the current “vaccines” all day long, but there is a bigger problem under the surface. Today, the definitions of what is a “vaccine” and what it means to be “vaccinated” have changed to conform to a product that does not adhere to the historical standards. Can you imagine having to take 4-5 boosters shots for polio and then still be able to be infected with and transmit polio? It’s pure insanity.

It doesn’t stop there either and this is where it gets quite nefarious. Various doctors, health professionals and the like are finding strange things in the vaccines. They are seeing parasite looking tentacled organisms that are to this point unknown, but certainly shouldn’t be in the vaccine. They are seeing rigid structures, in some cases self-assembling architecture that appears as a computer chip or nano-processor. People around the world, in the hundreds of thousands are having adverse effects of heart problems, blood clots, seizures that are directly linked to the vaccine. How can one discount the extraordinary amount of football (soccer) stars who have collapsed and died on the field this year alone? And why is the media suddenly scrambling to cover these adverse events through bullshit stories like the idea that soccer players just use tons of cocaine, or that the wintertime now causes heart issues, or that even there is such a thing as post-pandemic stress disorder (PPSD). Convenient, isn’t it?

One could reasonably ask the question as to just what is in these vaccines? Why the insane push to vaccinate everyone with an experimental product? Why do persons who have no benefit from the vaccine have to lose their job if they don’t take it? Why are we pushing a product that isn’t effective in reduction of infection or transmission? Let me help the reader here–if you didn’t read the first couple paragraphs–THIS ISN’T ABOUT YOUR HEALTH. This is about the push to make all vaccines mandatory. These people want to gene-edit you; they want to inject nanotech into your bloodstream and vaccines are the easiest way.

Understandably, the reader likely does not follow the latest innovations in nanotech, but if they did they would see the obvious intent is to use injections to enhance “gain of function” over a human’s immune system and/or autonomy. God only knows what their real plans are, but this is quite troubling. Why do we need nanotech floating around our bodies? There are many very interesting articles about the innovations in nanotech and how they are primarily geared toward the healthcare industry. Research Dr. Charles Leiber (Harvard); research Microsoft’s 060606 patent for human generation of crypto-currency. Research graphene oxide, graphene hydrogels, Luciferase and Satin tests. These may be interesting and potentially groundbreaking biological technologies, but are these safe? Are these products beneficial to humans or is this just another vector of control for our parasitic elite to use to gain sovereignty over our bodily autonomy? Once we cede our bodies, there is no telling what kind of bullshit they will come up with to inject us with their products–and that is assuming that they are going to tell you exactly what’s in the product and what it is actually for.

Once you submit to this kind of tyranny, they could kill every single person via injection if they so desired. And let me let you onto a big secret–they desire to, if not now, eventually. One of the biggest global ass hats of our time, Zbigniew Brzezinski was quoted as saying, “it used to be far easier to control a million people versus killing them; today it is far easier to kill a million people than control them.” What a guy! Simply killing you would be far too easy and really not much fun. Instead, these degenerates would rather have full control of you, behaviorally and psychologically. I’m not saying that this technology exists today; however, if it did the public would be the last people to know. Remember, there is an odd type of spiritual warfare going on behind the scenes–these people hate the idea of God, God’s creation and humanity in general. What’s stopping them from orchestrating a plan like this?

Nothing, because today this is exactly what they are doing. I know this is a hard pill to swallow, but put the pieces together laddy! The people behind big pharma talk about eugenics, sterility and population reduction all the time. You are in the way, and being human, you are an adversary to these people. You can do any amount of mental gymnastics required and still not be able to reasonably convey the purpose behind the tremendous amount of coercion, manipulation and outright deception that has accompanied the “vaccine” push, unless you consider the idea that this deliberate and nefarious.

Food for thought. You have a right to be skeptical. You have a right to question “Science”, Dr. Fauci (the italian super-midget), Walenski and our government. These people aren’t operating in our best interest–they are following orders, they are on the payroll. We shouldn’t have to deal with being censored for having a different opinion and we shouldn’t have to apologize for being awake. What you’re seeing in front of you today is not normal; it is a circus, only this circus doesn’t have any animals or high wire acts–just really bad clowns. However, it is such a circus that it has overshot the rational and reasonable narrative of “healthcare” by going plaid. And people are starting to pick up on it. I hope you all do to!

Happy New Year and best of luck. Stay informed, stay safe and stay strong–we will get through this!

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