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The Power Of Choice

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While often attributed to William Shakespeare (who likely didn’t originally pen it), the infamous quote “To Be or Not To Be” contains much more esoteric value than initially perceived. For some, it may take a lifetime to figure out these six words. However, for those among us who are awake, the coded message is more easily ascertained. The generic idea here is that YOU (Yes, you! Stand still laddy!) always have the power of choice as a causal body in the universe. However, a true “choice” is only available to you if you are awake….

I often ponder how it is even possible today to remain asleep in this clown show. Waking up today should be far easier than it was a decade ago, and perhaps miles beyond that possibility pre-911. The disconnect, the enormous chasm that divides objective reality from the “projected” world around us couldn’t be more obvious. The programmed reality that is spoon fed to us every day is so far detached from the real world it is unmistakable that something is very, very wrong. Yet, most of us continue about our day oblivious to this–if it were a snake it would bite us!

Think about a few examples. Violent riots done by “colored” people (note: I say this in jest only because this group now calls themselves “people of color”, hence they become “colored” people by their own stupid hypocritical definition) that attacked and damaged federal buildings were OK, because the ever popular social justice agenda condones destruction, chaos and division. Marxism is apparently the new thing! However, protests done by Americans (who apparently have no color) who feel their Constitutional rights are being overrun and abused are considered “insurrection.” Look at the stock market. It’s hitting all time highs while over 50% of small businesses are closing, commercial and residential tenants in mass are not paying their rents and the money changers are devaluing our currency at light speed in their endless quest of printing money to stabilize our broken economy (which btw, is mostly broken because of infinite amounts of money printing!) Can you believe that ~ 40% of the currency in existence today was just printed in the last year?? Or, how about the idea of promoting a manufacturer indemnified, experimental, emergency use “vaccine” (or gene therapy to the non-sleepers) with absolutely NO long term testing, that doesn’t even guarantee the user any beneficial effects, for a disease that has a 99.87% survival rate? A disease SO deadly, you have to be tested to know that you have it? Who believes this shit? These are just a few select examples–there are thousands.

Ahhh…but ignorance is bliss, no? Until it isn’t. And the reality is that something IS off; something IS broken. The longer it takes YOU to wake up and figure this out, the further behind the 8-ball you’re going to end up. I’ve got news for you–the destination for this circus isn’t going to be pretty. However, at all times you do retain THE CHOICE to accept or deny real, objective reality in favor of the ongoing clown show. You CAN change the outcome. It’s up to you and it’s that simple. YOU ALWAYS HAVE THE CHOICE TO SAY “NO.” But you only really have that choice if you are awake.

I stumbled across a post in the interwebs this week that speaks directly to this issue. I don’t know who wrote it, but I found it an interesting read and of high value, especially considering that the same ideas referenced in the post have been rumbling around my brain for the last year or so. (I guess it’s always nice when the universe gives you even the slightest confirmation of your ideas in a mad world.) For all of you still slumbering, I re-post this information for your benefit. For those that are already awake, perhaps this will help you frame a better picture of what is happening around us. (Emphasis mine):

“The human experience has always revolved around the choices one makes, but some choices are more significant than others. Huge swaths of humanity have been given ample opportunity to understand the impact of their willful ignorance has on the world around them. While many opened their eyes, the opportunity has largely been squandered. People have become so disconnected from the understanding of the power of their choices and how it shapes the world and their reality. Then again, when people’s reality is defined for them and confined to the mundane and controlled daily life, it makes disregarding the true power of choice all the more easy.

However, if this mundane reality collapsed (the pandemic), people can be presented with a new opportunity. We are experiencing the greatest wake up call in human history. They have given us more than enough to tell what is really going on. At this point, the only people still falling for it are making a conscious choice to do so (by the fact that they choose to remain asleep). They CHOOSE the masks. They CHOOSE the lockdowns. They CHOOSE the fear, the anger, the sadness and the pain. Ultimately, they CHOOSE the vaccine. Taking the vaccine is the solidification of your choice in the world of the physical. Those who make this choice will unfortunately no longer be able to escape the consequences associated with their CHOICES. We are being separated into two populations: those who CHOOSE to stay asleep and those who have chosen to awaken.”

In this case, the simple, in your face, a priori choice is whether you CHOOSE to awaken, or you CHOOSE to remain asleep. Perhaps the only place I would differ with the author’s thoughts is that you are unable to have a “true” choice if you are asleep; as such “waking up” is paramount to the power of CHOICE, which will ultimately determine the extent of your future success, sustenance, and survival in the new clown world.

Choose wisely amigos!

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