This season was a special one for sure. Personally, after years of enduring the entire Comcast/Altitude pissing match (resulting in no Avs on local TV) I happened to come into a serendipitous loophole that allowed for the viewing of EVERY SINGLE Avs game this season! HAHA! Take that evil Comcast! And what a season it was. It’s rare to get to watch the entire journey from start to finish, but alas this season was a special one. I can say it really made a huge difference in our day to day lives, adding much needed fun and excitement in a clown world of malaise. I am so proud of all the guys; they really stuck with it and never gave up for a minute. Just wanted to give a big shout out to the team, coaches, staff, etc. and a resounding THANK YOU from all of us at Luxuryville. Great to have the Stanley Cup back in the house!

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