It used to be that waking up was hard to do. The underlying, sublime “true reality”, the real causal driver of every terrestrial and geopolitical narrative was always more carefully hidden and obfuscated by the puppeteers, a.k.a. the self entitled “elite” psychopaths that rule over us. However, today this is no longer the case. The glaring divide between objective reality and the projected, programmed world is out there for all to see, standing naked in all of its non-glory. While certainly there still exists a large range between being totally “awake” versus being totally “asleep”, there is no longer any question as to which side of the line a person stands today. YOU are either on one side or the other; there is no middle ground. This juxtaposition has been laid bare by the Covid hoax. While it was okay to shame the deceivers in the past, if you are still asleep today the shame is 100% on YOU! So, the existential question at this point is, “Which side of that line are you on?” Let’s find out, shall we?
I recently stumbled across a very well sourced and concise questionnaire regarding Covid that I thought was important for everyone to review, if only to know where one stands today in the battle of asleep vs. awake. First, I want to give a giant hat tip to Sara Travagline (author) who has provided a very adept look at the Covid hoax through her blog “Don’t Be a Maskhole!” located at the website: I encourage everyone to go there after reading through the questions below–especially those that constantly virtue signal about “citations” and “peer reviewed” research (to make you feel more comfy) when reading things that run counter to one’s more obvious sub-conscious buffers. In any case, the following questions (to which I’ve added a few of my own) should have at least rolled around your head here and there over the past year of watching the Covid nightmare unfold. Without further ado, let’s play “20 Questions” with Covid:
- If Masks work, why do we need six feet social distance?
- If the six feet work, why do we have to wear masks?
- If both of the above work, why do we need lockdowns?
- If masks and lockdowns work, why are we still doing them?
- Conversely, if masks and lockdowns don’t work, why are we still doing them?
- If all three of the above work, then why do we need a vaccine?
- If the vaccine is safe, why is it only approved for emergency use?
- If the vaccine is safe, why not test it on animals first before using it on humans?
- If the vaccine is safe, why protect manufacturers with a no liability clause?
- If the vaccine is safe, why do we need to coerce, bully and shame people into taking it?
- If we already have safer antiviral treatments that have been proven effective for
Covid, why do we need to inject an experimental, untested vaccine? - If SARS-CoV2 exists, why has it never been isolated?
- If SARS-CoV2 has never been isolated, how can an effective vaccine be developed?
- If SARS-CoV2 is so deadly, why do you have to be tested to know that you have it?
- If RT-PCR tests give 100% false positives at cycle thresholds of 35 or above, why are
labs running the cycle thresholds at 40 or higher? - If there is truly a “pandemic”, why are there so many empty hospitals?
- If there is truly a “pandemic”, why is the CDC guiding hospitals to simply assume some died of Covid?
- If there is truly a “pandemic”, why are hospitals given financial incentivization for labeling a death “Covid”?
- If the official Covid-19 narrative is real and defensible, why censor people who dispute
the narrative? - If the Covid pandemic narrative is real, why is the media, et al autistically kvetching to the outer realms of the galaxy to convince us of this?
It’s time to wake up my friends. In the past it used to be okay if you were asleep, as you were only a harm to yourself and family. However today, after everything that has transpired over the last year, if you are ready to take an experimental, untested, manufacturer indemnified gene therapy cocktail for a so-called “disease” that you have at least a 99.87% (and more likely 99.999% if you’re healthy and not over 80) survival rate, I have a news flash for you: YOU are not only a gigantic ignoramus, YOU ARE AN ADVERSARY TO HUMANITY. And you should be treated as such, as you are now in the category of both “useless eater” and “useful idiot.”
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