In our continued effort to combat the lies and propaganda of the media, we felt the need to circle back to one of our earlier exposes about masks. For anyone that bothered to read our two part series on the efficacy of masks (The Future of Music/Are We Masking the Problem?) you know that the “science” behind mask effectiveness is bunk. In short, masks are negligible in preventing transmission of disease–end of story. The idea of mask efficacy is no more than pseudoscience at best and really more of a social conditioning tool to imply subservience. Of course, you may already be awake enough to notice that our collective “case positivity rate” only spiked AFTER we had nationwide mask mandates. However, as is often the case, the data coming out AFTER THE FACT proves what we said very early on. Here’s what the CDC says today about mask efficacy…
Last Friday afternoon (March 5th, 2021) the CDC released a report authored by at least a dozen medical doctors, PhD researchers, and a handful of attorneys (why?) that examined how our ACTUAL mask mandates across the country ACTUALLY affected Covid cases and death rates. According to the CDC’s own analysis (performed on data between March 1 and December 31, 2020) statewide mask mandates were in effect in almost 75% of counties in the U.S. Looking at county by county data, the CDC concludes that mask mandates were associated with only a 1.32% decrease in the growth rates of Covid cases and deaths. Huh? Only 1.32%? Yeah, you read correctly. It’s a rounding error.
Given all the questionable Covid statistics to date, it’s entirely possible that the real figure is even lower than that. Keep in mind that we are all supposed to believe that the flu has literally been eradicated, with flu cases in our country dropping to almost zero during the 2020-2021 flu season. So essentially masks seem to be killing the flu, but can’t stop the spread of Covid? Or is Covid really just an overblown flu? Regardless, this ACTUAL data from the PRESENT mirrors what countless RCT’s (random controlled trials) have proven for years: MASKS ARE NEGLIGIBLE IN PREVENTING TRANSMISSION OF DISEASE. And you know what? The recently reviewed data was too weak for even the CDC to make a clear assertion about the benefits of masks. You don’t say?
But what about the consequences of wearing masks, up to 8 hours a day for workers and zombies alike? Or what about the alarming rise in mental health issues? There is a huge spike in youth suicides. Substance abuse is on the rise. How much are masks negatively affecting the health of our population? What about the economic ramifications? Do masks incentivize people to stay inside or go out and spend? How much are lockdowns really affecting the economy? You might think that the CDC has a vested interest in studying these things too, as they are “real” and detrimental to the majority of Americans. Not to mention that these policies and guidelines originate from the CDC et al. Pro tip: they don’t, because they don’t care. Wear your mask and stop asking questions, plebe. If you act up, we might be forced to give you the anal swab!
But the truth is that the “science” that people think is “real” is bullshit. It is a chimera; a changeling; a religion. At it’s core the correlations are non-existent. It is “science” unsupported by facts, trials or statistics; it is the science of emotion, irrationality and pure belief–mere “feels”. Yet the maskholes (you know who you are) continue to simply obey “the rules” because they are either afraid, ignorant or unconscious. Or even better, perhaps they have the need to incessantly virtue signal. Now that the ACTUAL mask science is telling you that masks are ineffective, what do you do now? I ask, because YOU ALL LOOK PRETTY F-ING SILLY AT THIS POINT! Yes you, the person walking alone, or driving in your car with your mask on, as if Covid is just hovering around in the air waiting to attack you at any moment.
Well, at least maskholes still have the corrupt media to concert your Covidiocy. A normal person might think that this new information would cause the media to walk back some of their fear porn. Fat chance! According to NBC news, the report gives “strong evidence that mask mandates can slow the spread of coronavirus.” Strong evidence = 1.32%? Uh, ok? New York Times reports that “wearing masks, the CDC study reported, was linked to fewer infections with Covid…” Washington (com)Post reports that the “CDC says mask mandates can reduce deaths..” Remember, we’re talking about a 1.32% difference here. Does it sound like the media really believe their own bullshit here? Gosh, it sure sounds like they are toting the company line even though the REAL DATA doesn’t support their hyperbolic claims. Ask yourself why you are still listening to these ass hats.
People, you have a choice. You can continue being led around like sheep or you can break free from the obvious conditioning, demoralization and mindless obedience. You just have to wake up. Waking up requires that you use your brain, that you pay attention; it requires that you don’t let the media program you endlessly by spoon feeding you a bunch of propaganda. Try turning off the TV. Learn to use the word “No”. Engage your mindless brothers and sisters of this planet with facts, discussion and solutions. While there is certainly a concerted effort, a nefarious effort to down press humanity, it only works if we accept it. Break the chain. As the mighty George Clinton once said, “Free your mind and your ass will follow.”
Hat tip: Simon Black via
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