It’s finally a new year and we’ve come a long way from the depths of March 2020. Unfortunately, the incompetents in control are still pushing the Covid hoax—yes, that’s exactly what it is and get used to understanding that because it’s the absolute truth. When you’re not mind raped by your television, the world looks different. More to the point, when things are made up they become predictable and follow patterns because they adhere to a script of sorts. If you have any doubt about this, go back and read some of last year’s posts on the Covid reality and ask yourself, “How could one predict so far in advance?” Easy peasy.
Regardless of what you may think about Covid, as a musician my personal focus is on music and the music community, and we are literally dying out here because of the draconian lockdowns. I am also f-ing bent beyond belief that music and musicians have been deemed non-essential by what is nothing more than a GIANT HOAX for nefarious globalist desires. Whether we ever get back to normal or not, it’s paramount for musicians (and everyone else) to know the truth about Covid, so that they can in turn help educate their community. The sooner we all know the facts, the better our lives will get and the quicker we may get out from under the heavy down pressing. Perhaps we can even prevent another hoax in the future. In any case, I’m making it a mission this year to expose these assholes.
Let’s be honest; most musicians, while they can be incredibly talented musically, are not the smartest bunch. Nor are they interested in what the “normies” tune in to (read: television). Music has always been a counter culture—and why not? It is much more interesting than watching the mold grow on TMZ or the paint dry on cable news. (Shepard Smith deserves a special place in hell, imo). However, this non-interest can present a problem when/if they are caught off guard by any particular “happening” of grand design. They will then find themselves behind the 8-ball (as we all are today) and left wondering what the fug just happened? In this case, Covid has upended most all of our careers, and for what? A 99.99% survival rate? Bitch, please!
Oh, you didn’t know that Covid was actually NOT that deadly? For your own benefit, please read on. As a self professed “watcher”, I delve into these things like white on rice, especially when it comes to my financial and emotional happiness. I’ve been on the Covid trail since January 2020, long before anyone even knew there was Covid (except for the prognosticators). I have researched it more than anyone you know and have a vested interest in seeking out and delivering the truth—not just to our readers here, but to society in general. It is an objective moral obligation and I take it seriously, equally or more than I respect the gift of music. The following are the conclusions I have reached about the Covid hoax.
1. Covid is not very deadly at all.
Anyone paying attention knows this. While certainly the elderly are more susceptible to almost any malady, for anyone under the age of 70 the fatality rate of Covid is less than .01%. For most, it is akin to 1 death in 50,000. This is equal or less to the seasonal flu and in fact much less than some of the more severe flues in past years (’57, ’68 & ‘76). The CDC has even stated that the aggregate IFR (infection fatality rate) is about .13% for EVERYONE. As this includes the aforementioned elderly, the fatality data is thus skewed much higher than it should be for EVERYONE ELSE under 70.
Don’t fall for the saving grandma argument. These people are retired; they do not work, travel or commute in any frequency near to the majority of the population. However, YOU do need to work; YOU do need to commute. The elderly is easily sequestered from the general population. So why are all of us on lockdown? Hint: the lockdown has nothing to do with the disease. Whether you understand enough about the Covid hoax to comprehend the last statement is irrelevant to the main point: COVID IS NOT VERY DEADLY, HISTORICALLY OR OTHERWISE. Learn this, know it and help educate people with the REAL data so they can overcome their conditional fears and we may get on with our lives.
2. PCR tests are unreliable and highly manipulatable.
To start with, PCR tests were never meant to test for viruses, per the inventor’s own words. However, the real issue is the cycle count threshold (CT) that these tests operate under. I am going to skip the education about what a PCR test is—you can research this for yourself. Instead, I’ll focus on the way that the tests are generated, so to speak. Genetic material is continually doubled every time a “cycle” is run of these tests, up to a billion copies of the original DNA segment supplied. Historically, any cycle threshold above 34 produces about 70% false positives. More important, a cycle threshold of 35 has never produced anything that can be further cultured in a lab—this means there really isn’t anything there, but for the ridiculous amount of cycles that have already been run. EVERYTHING at this point would produce a false positive. Now ask yourself why most labs in our country are running a PCR CT at or above 40. Certainly not to find real “positives.”
The highly manipulatable part comes in when they want to skew results. This is done very simply by raising or lowering the CT. Watch as it happens in real time. At any particular point that the antagonists want Covid cases to reduce, they will lower the CT to 20-25 and cases will drop like the twin towers. Want more cases? Raise the CT again. Makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, doesn’t it? Why would science (you know, that thing that is “real”) use such a cockamamie test?
3. The data surrounding Covid is sketchy at best.
Hold on to your hats here, there is a lot to cover. Please pay attention:
a) “Cases” is a meaningless anomaly
Back in the day, a “case” meant a hospitalization. Today, it is any positive test result, which as previously discussed, is virtually meaningless at PCR CT’s of 34 and higher. So why the use of “cases?” Because it sounds good. The truth is most people are just false positives; however, the use of “case” makes it sound more pandemic-ish. Realistically though, none of these people are going to the hospital or are even sick, so who cares? Only those that push the propaganda. You can kill your television now.
b) The CDC is misguiding the medical field
You can visit the website and do your own research. The reality is that these organizations (and other fraudulent alphabet soups) are guiding the medical field to ASSUME death by Covid. You would think that they would have to at least test for Covid (even though that would likely only produce a false positive) but no, an assumption is just fine in this case. Never mind that we are locking down people based only on assumptions. Does this make any sense to anyone when we should be striving for the most accurate data to assess the true health reality and prevent further lockdowns? How many people really died of the flu or other health issues that were mislabeled as Covid? We will never know at this point.
c) Hospitals are financially incentivized for Covid deaths.
I bet you didn’t even know this! While it’s hard to pin down a particular number here (~ $13k/death), know that most hospitals are paid for Covid deaths. It’s part of the CARES act and yet another reason why Covid deaths can be and likely ARE skewed higher than they really are. It’s a god damn financial incentive! I know people have this rosy picture of doctors, nurses and the medical field; however, hospital administration is all about the $$$$$. If you could receive compensation for one type of death versus another (and the CDC says just assume death by Covid) why wouldn’t you be compelled to call everything a Covid fatality? Don’t make the mistake of thinking that these people are morally righteous or honest; they’re not. They are simply looking out for their own arse and further padding their pockets while lusting after the green god.
d) Did I mention that the flu has all but disappeared?
Where did the flu go? We’ve had a 98% reduction in flu cases nationally (perhaps even globally) this past year. How? Why? Where did the flu disappear to this last year? It didn’t go anywhere. It is encompassed in all the bad data of assumed Covid cases. Isn’t it ironic that Covid symptoms are extremely similar to the flu? How in the hell would anyone know whether a patient died of Covid or the flu if no one tested them and/or they were only assumed to have Covid? Has anyone bothered to explain this phenomenon? No, of course not. Nothing to see here, move along plebe.
e) Just how many non-Covid fatalities are mislabeled as Covid deaths?
We may never know. However, consider that the stories of gunshot wounds, drug overdoses, heart attacks, strokes, car crashes, etc. being labeled as Covid deaths are not just isolated incidents. In fact, what is actually happening is pretty peculiar. It works like this: You die from some non-Covid fatality—perhaps you were in a motorcycle crash. If you happened to test positive for Covid in the last 30-60 days (but of course did not die from it) your state health department will search that data and add it to your death certificate as cause of death. It will be listed as the actual cause of death. Don’t believe me? It’s been caught multiple times in my home state already and many other states as well. The health department is literally reaching for any way possible to label deaths as Covid. Why would they even think about back checking Covid positivity data when it is obviously not the cause of death? Really gets the noggin joggin’, no?
4. The media is lying to you.
Sensationalist much, you disgusting, degenerate media et al? These people are literally the scum of the earth. Self serving, self aggrandizing, narcissistic buffoons that crave “news” and fame, whether they have to make it up or not. These people are constantly pushing the fear button in any way, shape or form possible for eyeballs. They consistently fabricate and falsely frame non-issues as giant albatrosses. They show data that is meaningless—consider the “cumulative” hospitalization chart. Who cares? All we need to know is how many people are in the hospital from Covid, TODAY. They’ll use graphs and charts that scare you (of course until that doesn’t work), then they will switch to another chart that they think does, even if the data doesn’t really support it. Have you heard enough “stronger together” propaganda? Have you asked yourself why the idiot reporter is wearing a mask in the middle of a field with no one around? (And his camera person and crew are not?) Optics. They are deliberately trying to scare you to support an agenda. These imbeciles will be the first to hang, because they are easily reached in their communities. One might think this would bother them or that the false scenarios that they paint might come back to roost, but they are too stupid to contemplate such realities.
5. Masks are negligible in preventing Covid transmission.
We have already done a massive expose on mask effectiveness (or ineffectiveness) in our “Are We Masking the Problem” segments last year. The skinny is this: In all the historical data—which btw is largely derived from testing in light of OSHA safety requirements—masks have been shown to be negligible in preventing transmission of disease. It’s really simple to understand: Mask holes are large; viruses are small. It’s like a mosquito flying through a chain link fence. Consider that any smoke particle is about 200 times larger than a virus. Take a giant bong rip, put your mask on and blow out. Does the smoke stay behind the mask? Case closed.
Yes, we know that there are reported “studies” that somehow show mask effectiveness. It’s all bullshit, here’s why. All of those “studies” are essentially estimations (read that word again) based on using nebulizers in closed rooms to assess the “potential” of transmission. There is no actual study of transmission and all the research will show this in the fine print. In contrast, the studies that show the negligibility of masks (with regard to disease transmission) are done in RCT’s (random controlled trials). These studies use ACTUAL PEOPLE and study the ACTUAL TRANSMISSION of viruses. One group wears a mask; one doesn’t. They compare and contrast results. These RCT’s always have one finding in common: THOSE THAT WEAR MASKS ARE EQUALLY AS LIKELY TO GET SICK AS THOSE THAT DON’T. Period. Now f off with your bullshit lab guesses about movie theaters and gyms being in some way more dangerous than Home Depot.
6. The “vaccine” is a virus.
There is a hefty debate on whether we as a humanity, actually NEED vaccines or not. I urge all readers to do their own research as there is quite a bit that is being obfuscated from an intelligent and truthful discussion about vaccines. Regardless, it is extremely important to pay attention to the new recombinant RNA vaccine tech that is being experimented with. Whereas traditional vaccines contain a live, attenuated virus that is injected into a person, these new mRNA vaccines contain only genetic material that changes the structure of your cells to produce certain “S-protein” spikes that are found on Covid. If you take a minute to think about it, this is essentially what the Covid virus does, minus the reproduction of cell structure in addition. You become a GMO whether you like it or not and it is an irreversible process. What could go wrong?
Well, one reason they may have skipped animal testing in these new “virus-like” vaccines is that the animals in past studies all died once they were exposed to a wild virus, post-injection. Yes, EVERY SINGLE ONE. But you won’t hear that from the media, because it doesn’t fit the paradigm. Still there are other potential problems to consider. Once the genetic material in these cells is changed, each further division of these cells produces more genetically modified cells that can produce the S-proteins. What stops them from turning back on randomly? What turns them off in the first place? These proteins are very sticky to sensitive parts of your body, which is how Covid is supposedly so contagious. Any immune response will attack these proteins where they stick to, which may be sensitive organs within your body. Can you say autoimmune disease? Don’t worry though; big pharma will have some ridiculously named pill that will cure your ills. What if your immune system starts to recognize these new GMO cells as invaders and attacks them forever? That’s just about how AIDS works. Interesting that the Covid cell structure also contains HIV spike proteins. Coincidence? Finally, there is research out there about recombination and mutation of viruses in the body that may point to the possibility of genetic-type vaccines combining with another coronavirus strains to produce a more lethal super strain of Covid. Sounds wonderful! At any rate, there is no where near enough testing to know the long term effects of this new vaccine tech. Why would you want to be the guinea pig when you are likely to have less incidence of any medical issues by just contracting Covid? I mean really, these people don’t even know TODAY whether the vaccine will prevent infection and/or transmission. Shouldn’t they at this point? Why would someone be stupid enough to take this vaccine under those conditions? Don’t be a fool—this is your life we are talking about. Covid has a 99.99% survival rate, if you are under the age of 70.
7. The globalist oligarchs of the world have ulterior motives with Covid.
Now the real scoop. Covid (the “disease”) is just a ruse, a distraction if you will to usher in the globalist wish list. Don’t believe me? Research “The Great Reset” (penned by Klaus Schwab, globalist douchebag). Or, try looking up “Lockstep”, an eerily similar scenario to today’s virus scare proposed in 2010 by the Rockefeller organization (more globalist douchebags who used the same playbook for the Spanish Flu one hundred years ago). Did you miss Event 201? You know, the conference where Bill gates and his transgender wife proposed a “simulation” of a pandemic about three months before Covid happened?
Of course all of this conveniently falls under the docket items of Agenda 2030 (formerly, Agenda 21). What is Agenda 2030? Look it up and don’t be fooled by the doublespeak. It is complete control over you, the sheep slave. “Smart” cities that will collect data on everything you do (down to your toilet analyzing your bowel movements, believe it or not). Total loss of privacy. Total loss of ownership over anything—and you’ll be happy! Forced and mandatory medical procedures. EUGENICS. Negative interest rates. No Cash. UBI—Universal basic income and MMT—modern monetary theory (both assume money grows on trees). No freedoms of speech, religion, or assembly. Medical passports that need up to date vaccinations to travel. Taxes on the air you breathe. If you have never read the book 1984, this is the basic outline of totalitarianism. You either go along with the flow or you will be cut off from society. They want the resources of the earth for themselves and no one else. YOU are the problem plebe! YOUR ILK needs to be reduced. Bill Gates once said, “We have a population of about 8 billion people. If we do a good job with vaccines, we can reduce that number by 10-15%.” It’s a wonderful life, isn’t it?
So what? So fight back. Arm yourself with the truth and spread it far and wide. This isn’t just about musicians and the music community—this is about ALL OF US. We either push back or we are pushed into a pen forever. Once you lose freedom, it’s very difficult to get back. History proves this. Do not be afraid! Live your life as you see fit, morally and ethically. Remember that evil thrives when good men sit back and do nothing. At this point it is all or nothing. Don’t be so ignorant to think things will simply go away. They will not until we proactively make it happen. God bless everyone and best of luck in this coming year.
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